Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tackling graffiti is like painting the Harbour Bridge

There is a famous saying about the Sydney Harbour Bridge that as soon as the painting crews have worked their way from one end of the bridge to the other, it is time to start again.

Cleaning graffiti is a bit like that. This mailbox was cleaned last week, but already it has been revisited with two tags. This spot is a bad one for graffiti - various RTA assets around it have been heavily tagged, and there is an abandoned power station across the road that is a prime target for vandalism - many of its windows are smashed.

Mailbox at Victoria and Lilyfield Roads
Still, I am hoping that Australia Post is now going to be more systematic about tackling graffiti as it appears. I have been told that as a rule of thumb, you have to clean or paint a site at least six times before the frequency and intensity of graffiti attacks starts to decline. I'll be interested to see how often this mailbox gets attacked once it has been cleaned half a dozen times, and whether the rule has any truth to it.

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