Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Telstra followup

I have been trying since April to get Telstra to clean up their blighted exchange in Five Dock.  I've written to Sol Trujillo, logged two requests with the company responsible for maintaining the exchange buildings, corresponded with our Federal MP and dealt with our Deputy Mayor.  

Back in October, we seemed to be making progress.  Our Deputy Mayor had met with a Telstra representative and they agreed to "community remediation", which is a term I don't understand - but is sounded good.

The Telstra rep has since moved on, and the problem has been passed to someone else at Telstra.  I rang that someone else today, and had a good chat with them about the issue.  I've emailed them the history of this case, since there was no handover, and I guess the whole process will start from scratch again.

At least the problem now belongs to someone at Telstra.  It is no longer somebody else's problem.

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