This post is an extension on my trip to the Epping Road cycleway. Part of the ride took us through the parks of Ryde, including Tindarra Park. As you can see from the first photo, it's a lovely spot. There are a series of parks and paths which follow a creek for a few miles, which makes for an easy gradient.
As usual, someone has come along and vandalised just about every vertical surface in the park. The path is quite narrow in places, and it winds through the trees (which restricts visibility), so Ryde Council has gone to the trouble of putting up signs that warn cyclists and pedestrians to take care (to not run into each other going around corners). I went past a number of these signs before I finally found one that was legible, and was able to read the warning about the hazards that Council wanted me to know about.
Most of the bins have been vandalised, and some have had their lids ripped off (like this one), allowing rubbish to be scattered by birds and animals and the wind.
Some of the equipment in a playground along the route was also tagged.
Last time I reported vandalism to Ryde Council, I did it over the phone, and I'm not sure if I ever got a result. This time, I am going to contact one of the Ryde Councillors in the Central Ward and see if I have more luck.