Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another vandalised letterbox outside another post office

Here we have yet another vandalised letterbox outside another post office.  That's three that I have spotted in the last few weeks.

I am still at a loss as to how the staff working in this post office could fail to see the graffiti on the letterbox right outside their front door.  Letterboxes are painted in a nice, glossy red paint that seems to be fairly easy to clean.  Is it really that hard to keep something like a bottle of metho and a rag in the back of the post office and to walk outside and clean the letterbox when it gets hit?

From Australia Post

If this was a McDonalds, how long do you think the manager would allow graffiti to remain out the front of the store?  I bet it would be the first job for the day - someone would be sent out the front to protect and restore the image of the restaurant.  Why can't Australia Post develop the same sort of ethic?

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