Thursday, August 21, 2008

Pedestrian bridge, City West Link

A small amount of graffiti has started to creep back onto the rear of the noise barriers along the City West Link, but it's quite minor, and seems to be inhibited by the proliferation of creepers and the newly erected mesh for the creepers to climb on. Since a lot of tags are applied with a marker pen rather than a spray can, the mesh stops it as it would be pretty hard to put your hand through it to scrawl something.

From City West Lin...

The only surface this vandal has found to write on is the uprights holding up the noise barriers. Everything else is too difficult to write on presumably.

Tags are already re-appearing on the approach to the pedestrian bridge - less than a week after a repaint. Maybe this section needs a treatment that makes it harder to apply graffiti via a spray can?

The leftovers from a graffiti spree.

I guess drinking and tagging go hand in hand. There seems to be booze at a lot of vandalised sites.

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