Tuesday, August 12, 2008

St Ambrose Primary - followup

I got an email from St Ambrose Primary School this morning:

thanks for your concern about graffit around our school.  I have just contacted Energy Australia in regards to painting the substation.  I have given them all our details and received a reference number.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us again on the off chance that you see graffiti before we do, and thanks for all of your hard work.



Hey, it's my pleasure.  I don't see this as hard work - taking a few photos, sending an email every few days, making the odd phone call - it's doesn't take that much time or require much effort.  Anyone can do it.

I'm just glad that the school has taken up the baton with regard to the substation outside their premises.  Now I just have to see if I can convince Concord High to do the same.....

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