Monday, July 21, 2008

Energy Australia depot - Pomeroy St, Homebush

The following photos were taken around the intersection of Underwood Rd and Pomeroy St, Homebush.  There is a big Energy Australia depot one this corner - funnily enough, it appears that the people responsible for keeping the substations in the inner west in good condition work from this site.

The Australian Training College, with a bit of graffiti out the front.

Another defaced Australia Post letter box.

The corner shop, with lots of big tags down the side wall.

The fence on the opposite corner to the shop - note that on the far right, there is a substation, which has been defaced.  And this substation is right opposite the Energy Australia depot.  You'd think  that someone would notice it and send a crew across the road with a bucket of paint.  Wouldn't you?

More of the vandalised shop.

Even the RTA get a look in, with a vandalised signal control box.

Part of the fence around the Energy Australia depot.

More Energy Australia.

Remember, this is where the local Energy Australia managers work from.  If you worked at this site, and you saw this muck sprayed on your walls when you arrived for work, what would you do?  Deal with it, or treat it as somebody else's problem?


Unknown said...

Why is it Energy Australia's problem that vandal hit across the street from the depot?
if the graffiti is a digrace to you why don't you do something about it yourself and practice what you preach, i.e. "what would you do? Deal with it, or treat it as somebody else's problem?
Posted by Not Somebody Else's Problem at 10:25 AM"

Not Somebody Else's Problem said...

The managers that look after that particular kiosk work in the depot across the road from it - for all I know, there may be windows in the depot that overlook the kiosk, and it may be that the vandalism can be seen from someone's desk.

You'd certainly see it as you drove past it on the way home, or on the way to a job.

Why does Energy Australia rely on the public to report vandalism? Why can't Energy Australia staff report vandalism that is 20 metres from their workplace?

Just sound like common sense to me.

Andy said...

Why don't you report it then? Instead of moaning on your own whiny little blog about it.

If we're playing the silly quote famous people game to seem wise and learned and righteous, "Be the change you want to see in the world".